Different Types of Golf Clubs – The Guide for What Club to Use and When

There are historically 4 types of golf clubs Woods Irons Wedges Putter As technology has improved, however, new clubs have been added to the mix. Hybrids, utility irons, ironwoods, rescue clubs, and oversize drivers all have found their place in a golfer’s bag.  Each of these clubs has a specific use and has kept to … Read more

Guide to Golf Club Distance – How Far Should I Hit My Golf Clubs?

How far a golf ball travels depends on nine factors:  Swing speed  Clubface vertical angle (loft) at impact Clubface horizontal angle at impact Swing path Contact point of ball on clubface Club and ball design, construction and condition Course conditions and topography Elevation Weather conditions So, you’re asking yourself, “How far should I hit my … Read more

What Wedges Do I Need? – A Definitive Guide to Wedge Selection

The answer to this question is more complicated than you might think. I know I was blissfully unaware of how complicated determining what wedges to put in your bag was before researching this article. Not to worry though, this is a comprehensive guide, making it simple to determine what wedges you should carry in your golf bag.
